I've been curious about
Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas, along with a few other related things, for awhile now. Her voice is crazy good and their music is a bit hard to describe, but super fun. When we realized they have a show coming up, we decided we should do something on the band, as well as the show.
They just got back from SXSW, so asked I Jessica some questions about their music, Detroit and the Bakery Loft. Read the interview and then find out how to win tickets to see them this Friday, March 22 at their first headlining
show at home since July at
Saint Andrew's Hall. Trust me, you're going to want to do it!
HipinDetroit- How would you describe your music to someone that hasn't heard it before?
Jessica- "Dark soulful music that makes you dance and think at the same time."
HipinDetroit- Your voice is amazing. How long have you been singing? Is this what you always wanted to do?
Jessica- "Well thank you. I’ve always been singing. I was the obnoxious little kid standing on my parent’s fireplace dancing and singing over the TV annoying the hell out of everyone all the time. I actually cracked my head open once while doing that very thing and had to get stapled up. Not a fun time…I still kept singing though ha."
HipinDetroit- Where do you get your inspiration for your songs? What is the writing process like? I read that you wrote 4 dozen songs for your album.
Jessica- "Yeah I wrote about 4 dozen or more songs before we recorded. Some were short goofy songs, some were long drawn out super sad songs, they were all over the place. I am always writing and before I finally recorded the album I was writing excessively. I’m a very goofy but very sensitive introspective kind of person so I guess the melodramatic angsty teenager inside of me always has a lot to write about. I try and change up the instruments I write with though because each instrument has a different vibe and can push the style into a different direction right off the bat. Piano is still my favorite to write on though."
HipinDetroit- I've heard a lot about
The Bakery Loft. Can you explain what it is and what happens there for those of us who haven't been there before?
Jessica- "The Bakery Loft is a pretty large loft above my families bakery,
Mexicantown Bakery, in southwest Detroit. It’s a beautiful space with high ceilings, dark wood floors and a home-made stage and bar. I was originally doing a lot of noise shows and started expanded to bring in some national touring acts but as the band started taking off I started to pull back form the booking/promotion stuff to focus on my own music. It’s also the original home of
Detroit SOUP, which has also gone on to expand and outgrow the space."
HipinDetroit- What do you think makes Detroit different than other places you've been to or lived in?
Jessica- "I love how we get to live in the big city and feel a part of something huge yet you go into any business and you know 75% of the people in there. You get the best of both worlds."
HipinDetroit- What is the best place in Detroit to play a show?
Jessica- "For us? Most definitely The Bakery Loft."
HipinDetroit- You guys have been on tour a lot lately. What's is your favorite place (besides Detroit) that you've played?
Jessica- "Probably Madison, WI honestly. The scene there seems super small but really supportive. We’ve only played there twice but have already had such a great response and met a lot of great welcoming people. New Orleans was pretty amazing as well."
HipinDetroit- When will the new album be released?
Jessica- "We haven’t set an exact date yet but it should be out by October."
HipinDetroit- How excited are you for the show on March 22? What do we need to know about it?
Jessica- "Insanely excited. We haven’t played our own headlining show at home since July so we are long overdue and have a lot of stuff planned for the night. We’ve got a couple friends from the Detroit Circus performing, some new music, handmade merch and new songs. Can’t wait to see how it goes."

show is this Friday at Saint Andrew's Hall. Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas will be playing along with
Mexican Knives,
James Linck and a couple people from the
Detroit Circus. Tickets are $10 and available
However, we are going to be giving away 2 pairs of tickets to 2 lucky winners! To enter yourself for your ticket +1, just email us at
hipindetroit@gmail.com with your full name and the subject line 'Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas'. We will be picking the winner Friday morning. Good luck and we hope to see you there!