She opened the set with "Miss World", a song I heard for the first time in 6th grade. Her loud wailing scream was just as solid as it was 20 years ago, maybe even stronger. She looked like Courtney Love- older, a little rougher around the edges but just as blonde and red lipped as she ever was. She even changed into a baby doll slip dress for the encore at the end of the night. There is something about her that is frozen in time in the best way. She talked to the crowd a lot and even commented that this was an older group then she is used to performing for. She invited a lot of her fans to sit on stage with her and threw roses out at others. She even smoked cigarettes on stage, which infuriated the security team at the casino. She brought the perfect amount of lady-like charm and punk rock rebellion to the stage and reminded me what so many of the shows I have seen lately are missing- rock stars.
Rock stars get on stage and take over a room. They engage their fans and give them a show. They don't need dancers, to spend thousands of dollars on props, or even fancy clothes when they preform. Rock stars get on stage and entertain you with their words, movements and their songs. Courtney Love doesn't need Hole and she doesn't need you. Courtney Love can entertain with very little effort because Courtney Love is a rock star, today, tomorrow and forever. I am very much looking forward to the new single and what the future holds for her.
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