Friday, February 28, 2014

Elvis Night with the Detroit Derby Girls!!!

We all know by now that the Detroit Derby Girls are awesome. They are a bunch of bad ass chicks that not only kick ass, but while on roller skates. If you've never been to a bout before, it's a really good time! The Detroit Derby Girls' home turf is The Masonic Temple. Typically you can head out to see them a couple Saturdays a month. However, this weekend is not just any old bout. 

This Saturday the Grand Prix Madonnas will go head to head with the D-Funk Allstars at an all ELVIS THEMED night! Fans are encouraged to wear their favorite Elvis garb as there will be a costume contest, impersonators, and tunes provided by The Devil Elvis Show.

Entry to this super fun event is $15 in advance or at the door. We suggest that you pick up some tickets ahead of time though, as this is most likely going to sell out. Tickets can be purchased online here until 6 p.m. on Friday 2/28. With each paid adult admission, up to 2 children 12 and under are admitted for free. So why not take the whole family out? Doors open at 4:45 p.m. and the bout starts at 6. Make sure you head out early to take advantage of the great beer specials (usually $2 cans!). Then stay out late with the Derby Girls at their after party at Thomas Magee's Sporting House Whiskey Bar where Frankenmuth Brewery will be premiering their Old Detroit Amber Ale. 

The Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E. Fisher Service Dr. in Detroit and The Masonic Temple can be found at 500 Temple Avenue. For more details on this fun event and upcoming Derby bouts, make sure to like the Detroit Derby Girls on Facebook here.


Cheapshow is Playing a Cheap Show at New Dodge Saturday Night!

This Saturday night the Punk Rock crowd is taking over The New Dodge. Well, the acoustic punk rockers at least. Cheapshow, The Gator, Carmel Liburdi and Ben LaLiberte are all hitting the stage. How can a band be acoustic and punk rock, you ask? Well take a listen to Cheapshow and The Gator and you will understand. There's some folk in there and even some dirty gypsy rock beats going on, but it is all deeply rooted in good ol' punk rock. 

We feel like this is a show that should have been at Toepfer House, but since it and PAN Shop closed last year, that's not possible. So we're glad to at least see it at a venue we love. And on top of that, we are happy to see a show that is a little out of the ordinary for New Dodge. You may not be able to BYOB, but drinks are pretty darn cheap here and the vibe is just as laid back. Plus the bartenders are all pretty rad. 

Doors to the New Dodge open at 9 p.m. on Saturday. As you can tell by the flyer, the price isn't set. It will be $7 or less though. So that's pretty fair if you ask us! For more details, keep an eye on the Facebook event page here


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Spazz Happy!

Some people are very creative and some people are very analytical, but every once in awhile you meet someone who excels at both being artistic and extremely intelligent. Tiffany Tuttle is one of those people. I met Tiffany a few years ago through some friends and knew her as the intellectual woman who was going to school and getting her doctorate. But, once she finished school she started publishing some articles on her blog, Dr. Tiff Tutts, and I was very intrigued. Her subject matters were interesting, witty, and uplifting. I liked the way she wrote and the things that she wrote about so I started following her more closely.

Then, this summer she blew my mind when she started her own company called Spazz Happy Line Design. She started creating these amazing art pieces that could be used as decorations or plant holders. They were symmetrical and beautiful designs that came in a variety of colors and shapes. I had no idea that she was capable of something like this and when I saw her selling her creations at a booth during the Urban Craft Fair, I couldn’t help but purchase one.

Tiffany is a woman who has literally got it all going on and uses what she has to make the world a better and more beautiful place. Her designs are very neat and organized and crazy at the same time, just like her. Spazz Happy has been getting a lot of well deserved attention, so I wanted to talk to her about how she started making these items in the first place and what other crazy plans she has in the future. I think once you check out her blog and her business you will fall in love with her just like I did. I wish that we had 50 more Tiffany Tuttle’s around Detroit because she truly is an inspiring person!

HID- How did you learn about making objects with Copper, Brass, and Aluminum?
Tiffany- "It all started less than a year ago when I was just trying to find a mobile for a landing space in our house. I was looking around at different pieces, and thought, “Wait a minute… I wonder if I could whip something up myself.” Turned out I had so much fun making them, I just didn’t stop. I like variety, so the copper, brass and aluminum were options I found most stylistically appealing. I think they look good individually, as well as all three together. I’m pro at “mixing it up” and everyone likes having choices, so I decided to work with these 3 metals."

HID- Why did you choose to name your company Spazz Happy Line Design?
Tiffany- "SPAZZ HAPPY!! Agh!! Because I’m a total spazz a lot of the times. I like to surround my self with people that I love, and it doesn’t take much to put me in a good mood, so spazz happy just kind of fits me. Plus, I hope that people who get one of my creations, take pleasure knowing some spazzy girl was able to keep her shit together long enough to focus and concentrate on making a delicate piece that is especially for them."

HID- How does one take care of an air plant which you feature in your hanging plant holders?
Tiffany- "I’m not a total pro, but the air plants (technically called tillandsias) I use are pretty resilient. I recommend submerging them in water over night, or for a few hours, once a week, or once every other week. Then shaking off the water and putting them back into their little spazz happy home. Sometimes I forget to water all of mine and 3 weeks may pass, but they liven right up with a good ol’ water dunk."

HID- What’s the hardest design that you have made so far?
Tiffany- "Hmmmm. Well I have some new designs going up in March or April, and a lot of those were challenging, but the one that was the hardest up on my site now was probably the flash diamond piece. Lots of trial and error… and error, and error, and swearing, and error and then success, before I was able to finish that one."

HID- How often have you cut yourself when working with these materials?
Tiffany- "No injuries yet. I have my husband to thank for that! He created the best work station for me. Safety goggles and all. I look like I’m cooking meth, but I’m not."

HID- Have you ever ended up in the hospital?
Tiffany- "Yes! But not related to spazz happy. That’s another interview."

HID- What was it like to have a booth at this year's Urban Craft Fair?
Tiffany- "OMG! THE BEST!! I love our city, I love the people who put the DUCF on, I love the people who attended, I love DIY in general, so, it was amazing. I had to do some self-therapy to myself though, because I literally thought, “I’m going to go down in history as the first vendor who doesn’t sell anything.” That didn’t happen. All my friends- including you (!) are so supportive, and I think everyone of my buds who came down bought something from me which was super sweet, and my homegirl Michele also volunteered her entire weekend to help me. I really like people, and I like to talk to everybody, so it was fun getting to meet a lot of different folks. PLUS, being able to make someone happy is one of the best feelings in the world to me, so it was awesome getting to see people become excited for a purchase they made." 

HID- You recently wrote an article on your blog that I enjoyed called "WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS… MAKE LEMON-GRENADES AND DESTROY ANYTHING THAT STANDS IN THE WAY OF YOUR AWESOMENESS". Can you tell us how you began writing and what drove you to address this topic?
Tiffany- "Sure! I’m so glad you liked it! Well, I’m formally trained as a clinical psychologist, and I earned my doctorate in 2008, so writing about the human condition is something I’m especially drawn to. It also gets me all spazzed out- but in a good way. I love people (sorry I keep saying that) and I love helping anyone I possibly can, so starting this blog was my way of trying to do that. That topic, and the others I address are simply my attempt to help others alleviate distress, and basically increase the overall quality of life they have."

HID- Will you continue to write on your blog? What issues do you plan to address?
Tiffany- "Yes, I will keep that baby going! I think the next post will address taking risks. This topic is very present for me as of late because… I have a book coming out this Spring/Summer called “Being and Awesomeness – Get Rad, Stay Rad.” I’m super excited, and also super nervous about it. People can expect self-help that is based on sound research, but has toilet humor tossed in. The only way I can describe it is… Huge chunks of enlightenment floating in a toilet- but a really clean toilet, so you won’t get gonorrhea from me."

HID- Will you be featuring Spazz Happy at any other upcoming events?
Tiffany- "I hope so!! I plan to apply for the Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco & Los Angeles, that’s happening in July. Wish me luck that I get accepted!"

HID- Is there anything else that you want our readers to know ?
Tiffany- "Hmmm. I guess… just be rad to yourself and to others. And thank you for reading this and giving a damn, or even half a damn- I’ll take that too!"

To keep up with Tiffany’s writing click here. To Check out Spazz Happy Line Design and purchase an item for your home click here.


Free Music and Free Beer at The Berkley Front with DandyLyon Whine!

This Thursday night marks the first of a brand new monthly event that will take place at The Berkley Front. Put on by DandyLyon Whine in conjunction with Axis Mundi Collective, Putting On The Front is a new monthly show that will take place on the last Thursday of every month. This first installment features a great lineup with Ian Pinchback, DandyLyon Whine and Remnose (who were voted Real Detroit Weekly's Best Band You Haven't Heard).

Admission to Putting On The Front is completely free, which makes this event even better. But, to top things off, there will even be some free beer! DandyLyon Whine has teamed up with our friends over at Motor City Blog and throughout the night there will be opportunities for fans to get a free PBR. We can't tell you exactly how you can score a free drink though. So you'll just have to show up to find out!

Doors will open at 9 p.m. and The Berkley Front is located at 3087 West 12 Mile Rd. in Berkley. For more info on this event, head over to the Facebook event page here


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Make Our City More Beautiful with Bleeding Hearts Design

Bleeding Heart Design is looking for an artist to work on an art installation in the Lindale Community Gardens of Northeast Detroit. The organization’s mission statement is “... to provide people with what they need to contribute positively to their community, city, nation, and Earth; and to provide in a way that is specific to the person and the character of the community. We endeavor to connect individuals, organizations, businesses and institutions to one another in order to venerate humanity’s interdependence”. The theme for this particular mural will be Love and Forgiveness. 

The group has $1000 to give to the artist and $1000 for materials. So this is a great opportunity to create something beautiful in our community and make some money to continue funding your dreams. The deadline for submission is March 16th and you can learn more about the organization here.

Some of the projects that they have worked on in the past have been very powerful and beautiful. Check those out here.

There are a lot of amazing artist out there that would be perfect for this, so don't be afraid to enter!


Find Out Why Jason Stollsteimer from The Hounds Below Can't Wait to Come Home!

This Saturday, March 1st The Hounds Below are returning to Michigan to bust out their instruments and play at The Loving Touch. They have been touring across America for a little over a month and it's time to welcome them back.

We all know that coming back to the mid-west can be both positive and negative. There are so many things I love and hate about the Mitten State and leaving for a while always magnifies those feelings. I asked Jason Stollsteimer from the Hounds Below to tell me the five things he missed most while on tour and the five things that he's not looking forward to coming back to. His witty answers reminded us how happy we are to have him home.

Come out to the show this Saturday and say "hello". George Morris & The Gypsy Chorus will be opening the show. Doors are at 8 p.m. and it's only $8 to get in.

Jason Stollsteimer -  The Hounds Below
5 things I miss about Michigan while on tour:
1. The snow
2. My friends and family
3. My weekly rotation of Ferndale restaurants (Anita's Kitchen, The Emory, Imperial and Mae's)
4. All the great Michigan bands
5. Thursday night Scrummage Karaoke at the New Dodge

5 things I miss about tour when in Michigan

1. Not having snow in December/January/February/March/ETC (I'm confused about what I like)
2. Driving across the US/Canada with my brothers in arms (Adam Michael Lee Padden + Will A. Shattuck)
3. In-N-Out Burger
4. Hanging out with all the people we meet on the road
5. The constant adventure of living on the road


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Who Wants to Play Dirt Fest?

Dirt Fest is one of my favorite events of the summer. As soon as the date is announced, I put it in my calendar and block that day off. I don't need to know who is playing because I know no matter what the lineup is, I am going to have a good time. I have a blast loading up my car with food and drinks and driving up to Birch Run for the day. I get a tan and spend the day drinking with my friends while we enjoy all sorts of music.

Dirt Fest is one of the only DIY fests of its caliber and it just keeps getting bigger and better every summer. I'm not really sure why Dirt Fest is always so much fun, but I think it has a lot to do with the people behind the event. One of those people is local musician, sound guru, and D.I.Y. event planner, Matt Dalton. From the first interaction I had with Dalton, I knew he was someone special. He’s not just a dreamer, when he dreams things, he makes them happen. He is currently taking submissions from bands to get on this year's Dirt Fest lineup and has just announced he will take over The Rockapalooza festival and move it here to Detroit. He is someone making a positive imprint on Detroit and the local music scene.

We had a chance to talk to him about Dirt Fest and Rockapalooza. Check out what he had to say and don't forget to apply to play if you're in a band. I have no doubt that this year will be better than ever and I look forward to seeing what he does with Rockapalooza.

HID- You have been the man behind Dirt Fest since 1998. What is your favorite part about booking this festival? What is your least favorite part?
Matt Dalton- "My favorite part is the feeling of creating something from nothing, and then seeing that "something" become thousands of people's destination. It all builds up to an exciting one of a kind day, and myself and our whole organization really look forward to feeling that excitement first-hand. My family has helped with Dirt Fest since the beginning, but now my siblings and family are spread out across the US. It's really hard for us to all get together for any one holiday, so Dirt Fest has become the official Dalton Family Get-Together each year, and for that I am VERY grateful.

My least favorite part is walking around the festival grounds the day after it's over because everything is just kind of... done. Empty cups, lost shoes, and ripped T-shirts litter the ground where the crowd once stood in front of the Main Stage and I just think 'Damn, 364 more days til we can do it again...'"

HID-When are you going to release the lineup for this year's show?
Matt Dalton- "We are shooting for Mid-April, and we will announce first via our Email Subscription list on ."

HID- I know that bands are able to apply online to be part of the fest, what are you looking for when you book a band?
Matt Dalton- "I look at a many many factors, some of which are: Is this band trying to be themselves, or are they trying to copy one of their favorite bands? Will this band play nice with others in a fast paced festival setting? Has this band been working hard to promote themselves before submitting to Dirt Fest, and is their overall presence at least somewhat professional? I also try to put myself in the band's shoes. Do they try to come off like they are the best thing since sliced bread, or are they somewhat humble and just looking to expand on their opportunities? That's just the tip of the iceberg of my evaluations…"

How did you get started in event booking and promotion in the first place? What draws you to it? What keeps you coming back every year?
Matt Dalton- "I'm from Mid Michigan (Frankenmuth specifically) so the opportunities for music in the late 90s were few and far between. Joel Rash, Chris Everson & co really had something special in Flint with the Local 432, and I decided to start throwing $5 hall shows at Jamestowne Hall in Saginaw to give my band at the time a place to play. We would play in Flint every now and then, but my focus became creating my own opportunities instead of trying to find shows that previously existed. So Dirt Fest was just born from the necessity to have something special to play each year... but no one was throwing anything like it yet. I took the hall show format and just put it outdoors. What keeps me coming back is the fact that I haven't come CLOSE to achieving what I want to achieve with this, and other events."

HID- In the last few years you have expanded your scope and added in some new projects, we heard you may be bringing Rockapalooza to Detroit from Jackson. Is this true? Where, when, and why?
Matt Dalton- "The rumors about Rockapalooza are true. My great friend Ryan Darnell at 3THIRTEEN Entertainment and I have partnered up to do Rockapalooza in a new setting and make it grow into something a bit more Detroit-oriented. We are only in the beginning stages of taking the event over from Kings Of Rock Entertainment, so we have some time before we have any real details. But Ryan and I have a strong vision for what Rockapalooza can be and we are excited to relocate to southeast Michigan."

HID- What do you think is the key element to booking a good festival?
Matt Dalton- "Understanding and striving to exceed the specific expectations of the people who attend. Period."

HID- Why do you think Dirt Fest is so successful and has continued growing while other fests have a one to two year fun and disappear?
Matt Dalton- "Because I've never been afraid to lose. Dirt Fest isn't always profitable, and when it is, the profit margin isn't exactly something to retire from. We are not money oriented, and you'll see that reflected in the ticket price and some of the corners we cut here and there to keep costs down while still keeping the experience high. As I stated before, this is just a hall show on crack. It's extremely DIY, and it requires long hours, long weeks, long months of preparation. I think a lot of people see the idea of a festival and just think "if I build it, they will come" which is just certainly not the case."

HID- One of the key purposes of is to get people interested in music and interested in spending their hard earned money to come out and watch a show. How do you continue to get people interested? How do you get the kids involved?
Matt Dalton- "That's a question I have to ask myself every year and the answer is never the same. Everything changes so rapidly nowadays and people lose interest in things very quickly. I love that Dirt Fest reflects some of my personal visions as well as caters to what I think people may want to experience. There's always risks involved, and I don't think we are ever 100% on target. But each year I see a crowd full of young kids all the way up to 40 and 50 somethings really having a good time together, so somehow we are doing something right!"

HID- You record music for a living at 37 Studios, play music on the weekends with Room 13, and book festivals in your spare time including Dirt Fest, Rockapalooza, and more. For Matt Dalton, music really is life. So, what is next for you?

To apply to play Dirt Fest click here. To buy advance tickets to this year's show click here. Tickets are only $25 a person if you buy them before March 1st!


New Single & New Video from Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas

Photo Credit: Shervin Lainez

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas are busy traveling across the U.S. and making a name for themselves, but apparently not too busy to stop and take a moment to record a new music video for their single “Caught Up”. They launched the video on and the feature included an interview with Jessica herself. I was surprised to find out that this video was partially recorded on someone's cell phone camera. My, how far technology has come!

Jessica looks and sounds great! We cant wait 'til she's back in town, but in the meantime, keep up the good work and keep making Detroit proud!

If you want to see if Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas are coming to a town near you, check out the tour schedule here.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Detroit X Detroit 4 - Bigger and Better than Before!

This past weekend the fourth installment of Detroit X Detroit took over the Magic Stick in Detroit. Hits from fifteen Detroit bands or singers were performed by some of the leaders and some of the new comers in Detroit's current music scene. The night included music by legendary musicians including Madonna and The Supremes and also some local favorites such as Phantasmagoria

This year's DETXDET was the biggest year yet, with probably the most diverse lineup yet as well. That goes for both the actual performers and the music being covered. There was music from Detroit Punk Rockers The Suicide Machines played by 500 Club, Madonna sang by a man by the name of Dan Henig who performed the songs acoustic style, and more Motown favorites including The Temptations (School of Rock) and The Supremes (After Dark Amusement Park). There were even quite a few performances that made the crowd say, "I didn't know they were from Detroit!" like The Knacks (Six and the Sevens), Del Shannon (The Philter), and Grand Funk Railroad (Jet Rodriguez).

All of the performances from start to finish were great, whether they covered new or old music. Some played the tunes spot on, while others took their own take on things. Although we were impressed by all of the musicians, there were a few that blew us away. At the top of that list had to be Stevie Soul and Omar Aragones as Rodriguez. It was amazing. Whether you are a Rodriguez fan or not, the music from this duo was amazing. Omar's voice paired with the sounds that come out of Stevie Soul's mouth definitely made my jaw drop... probably a couple of times. Really, who needs a band when you have Stevie Soul? The dude filled in for everything from drums to trumpet. Definitely an awesome take on these songs.

All in all this year's Detroit X Detroit was a great time full of great music. My only complaint for this year was that not enough people dressed up as whom they were performing as. Those that did were pretty amazing though!

Props to Melissa Rowe from Oh Snap! PR on a job well done. Working with so many bands and pulling this event off is quite the feat! We're glad to see it growing and getting bigger and better every year! Thanks for putting on such a fun show and for raising funds for School of Rock in the process.

Make sure to head over and like the brand new Detroit X Detroit Facebook page to see more pictures and videos from this year. That will be the best place to find out about next year's festivities as well! Until then, keep rockin' Detroit! And start thinking about who you'd like to perform as the next time around!


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Give Back and Kick Ass at New Dodge!

The New Dodge has become one of my favorite bars in Hamtramck. Two years ago I watched Wilson play there with about 10 people during the Metro Times Blowout. Now every time I see a band there it's packed wall to wall. The bartenders rule, the drinks are cheap, and the upstairs is a great spot to get an eagle's eye view of the place and shoot videos for the site. They also tend to have a lot of free food, which is something that no one is going to complain about after they have had a few drinks.

What I didn't know was that all those buffets and pizzas were because of two people, because of two very special people, Edie and Bob, friends of the New Dodge. They have a close relationship with bartenders and cater all the various parties that the staff comes up with. The New Dodge staff recently found out that the two were going through some hard times and wanted to give back and thank them for all that they have done over the last few years.

They are having benefit called “Give Back and Kick Ass" this Wednesday, February 26th to try to raise money for their friends. The New Dodge will feature performances by Radio Burns, Petal Shop, 500 Club, and Josef Coney Island. They will also be featuring art from Haley Stone, Kylie Lane, and Ryan Trautmann. There will be a large taco and nacho bar and raffles too! They want you to have fun while donating money to a great cause.

They are asking for a $10 donation at the door, but you can feel free to give more if you can spare it. The fun starts at 4 p.m., the food starts at 8 p.m., and the party goes 'til 2 a.m. The New Dodge is located at 8850 Jos Campau in Hamtramck.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Touch Titties with Size Queen and Mega Weedge Tonight!

If you are big Ween fan, you need to head out to the Cadieux Cafe tonight to check out the ultimate Ween cover band, Mega Weedge. This band features Paulie Miz, Andy Miz, Steve Wereley, Tony DeNardo, and Thom Kondoff playing some of your favorite Ween tunes. Even if you don't really care for Ween though, there are three other great bands playing tonight too.

Also on the bill are Size Queen, Touch, and Titties. We're big fans of both Size Queen and Touch, and although we love titties (who doesn't), we aren't familiar with the band Titties yet. But, with a name like that, how can you go wrong?

In case you aren't familiar with them, Size Queen is a "pretty pissed" punk band. They first started playing shows right around this time last year when they played at the Blowout. Here's a song from that set.

We first caught Touch at Berserker fest a couple of weeks ago, even though we've been wanting to check them out for months now. This is a great three piece whom you may also know as Touch of North America. Well, whatever you call them, they're awesome and you should really check them out. Here's a couple of songs from their set at Berserker.

Tonight's show starts at 9 p.m. Cadieux Cafe is located at 4300 Cadieux in Detroit. For more details on this show, head over to the Facebook event page here


Tunde Olaniran Presents - Flint: A Sci Fi Love Story

When it come to Tunde Olaniran it's always fun to see what he will think of next. Each time I have seen him perform he has brought something new to the table and he continues to keep blowing my mind. He's an artist that is as fun to watch as he is to listen to. That's why when I read he was doing a performance installation is his hometown of Flint I knew I had to block out some time to go see what he was up to and I thought his fans might want to join me.

This Sunday, February 23rd Tunde is debuting a performance installation at the Flint Public Library called “Flint: A Sci Fi Love Story”. The event invite describes it as a interactive performance “set in an immersive, interactive environment for participants, who will lend their imaginations towards crafting a science fiction journey about the future of the city of Flint, through improvised storytelling, music-making, and dance”. To be honest, I have no idea what that means. What I do know is that Tunde is a genius and I am interested in seeing whatever he is up to.

Doors for the show open at 3:45 p.m. and The Flint Public Library is located at 1926 E. Kearsley St. in Flint.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

The 19th Annual Motor City Tattoo Expo

This weekend tattoo covered guys and gals will be taking over the Renaissance Center. The Motor City Tattoo Expo, in its 19th year, is taking place this Friday thru Sunday, February 21st - 23rd.

The Expo is held in one of the meeting rooms of the Marriott at the Ren Cen. This year, over a hundred of the best tattoo artists from around the country will be at the convention. So this is a great opportunity to get some new ink from an amazing artist or even check out what some artists you may not be familiar with have to offer. Click here for a list of who will be attending this year's expo. 

In addition to pop up tattoo parlors, there are many other booths offering supplies for tattoo artists, jewelry, and tattoo inspired clothing, including local favorites InkAddict. There are also a number of informative seminars being held for artists. Even if  you aren't an artist and aren't looking to get a tattoo soon, but are an enthusiast or just think this sounds like a fun time, it is. Plus there is a cash bar at the expo. So you can have a couple drinks and just take a look around at all of the great art and the good looking people too.

Speaking of good looking people, this year there is another feature at the Motor City Tattoo Expo. Detroit is one of the stops on the Miss Inked Up Competition. Several beautiful tattoo covered women from 13 different cities are all competing to be Miss Inked Up 2014. There are currently 7 girls in the running from Detroit. You can check out their pictures and vote for your favorite here. Personally, our favorite is Robyn Barnsdale, but you can decide for yourself. The winner from each of the 13 cities will then go on to the finals.

If you haven't been to the Motor City Tattoo Expo before and still aren't sure what to expect, check out our coverage of last year's event here. The event runs Noon - 11 p.m. on Friday, Saturday from 11 a.m. - 11 p.m., and Sunday from 11 a.m. 'til 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 for a single day pass, $30 for two days, or $40 for the whole weekend. Kids 14 and under get free admission to the expo and don't be shy about bringing the whole family out. Last year there were quite a few kids in attendance! Hell, you can even stay right at the Marriott and make a whole weekend out of it! Rooms are limited though, so make sure to call right away if you want to book a reservation. For more details on the expo, keep an eye on the official host's website, Eternal Tattoos.


Bars of Gold and Destroy This Place at New Way Bar!

The New Way in Ferndale is becoming a hipper place, they have been booking better shows and the last couple of times we visited, we had a great time. This Friday, February 21st they are having one of their best shows yet! Detroit favorites Bars of Gold and Destroy This Place are playing with Multicult and Roomrunner (Ex- Double Dagger).

Bars of Gold was recently featured in AP and has been getting a lot of positive attention for their new album Wheels put out by Bellyache Records. This is their first show since the release in November.

The show starts at 8 p.m. and cover is only $5. The New Way Bar is located at 23130 Woodward in Ferndale.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

BINGO at Small's!

This week Small's is doing something a little different. This Thursday, February 20th they are having an old fashioned Bingo game before the bands play. That's right! Bingo, just like your grandmas used to love play. It is being hosted by Bubba of The Bump-N-Uglies with Showtime Dan calling out the numbers. You can win all sorts of random prizes including t-shirts, hats, and cds. After the game, The Great Mystery and The Orbitsuns will both be performing.

 Doors are at 8 p.m., cover is only $3, and 21 plus are welcome. Small's is located at 10339 Conant in Hamtramck.


Hell City Benefit for Deanna Dittenber

A few weeks ago we celebrated our Two Year Anniversary with a big party in Ferndale, but while we were out having fun something awful was happening to one of our friends. A few hours after the show, pictures of a house burning down in Ferndale were all over social media and I was shocked to find out that I knew the person affected by this tragedy. This house belonged to Ferndale native Deanna Dittenber and that night she lost everything.

When she got home, she found out that her roommate was okay, but all of her things were gone. She stayed with her family for a few nights until she could find a new place to rent and then started a journey to get back on her feet. I personally collected some clothing and other items to bring over to her home, but of course it wasn't enough. The poor girl is starting over from scratch and she needs our help.

Hell City Records has teamed up with Cthulhu Entertainment and Royal Oak Tattoo to put together a benefit this Friday, February 21st at Small's to help her get back on her feet. This event will feature music from SUB, Private Parts, Dad 1000, and Lower Lifes. It is only $6 to get in the door, but we suggest bringing a couple extra dollars to help out Deanna. Donations of any form are welcome. Doors open at 8 p.m. and Small's is located at 10339 Conant in Hamtramck.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Check Out Haunted House For Free this Wednesday!

Free shows at the Garden Bowl are one of my favorite things that The Magic Stick still does. I love to go get a slice from Sgt. Pepperonis, a whiskey & ginger ale from the bar, and watch someone play. And every once in awhile I see someone new and interesting.

This Wednesday, Haunted House is playing with Loose Planes, Safe and Hawk & Son in the Garden Bowl. If you haven't seen Haunted House yet, I suggest you take this opportunity while the price is right. And since the whole show is FREE, there is no reason not to go check them out. 

The music starts at 9 p.m. and 18 and older are welcome. The Garden Bowl is located at 4120 Woodward Ave. in Detroit.


Win Tickets to Detroit X Detroit IV!

This Saturday, February 22nd Christie and I have the privilege of hosting Detroit X Detroit at The Magic Stick in Detroit for the second year in a row. Last year we had a blast introducing the bands and being part of the event, so when Oh Snap! asked us to do it again this year, it was a no brainer. It’s really fun to see the artists that we work with all year dress up and do their best imitation of another Detroit artist past or present. The best part is that while we're having fun, we are also raising money for the School of Rock to continue to encourage the next generation of Detroit musicians to keep learning and making music. The students at the School of Rock even play a set! This year they will be covering Detroit’s own Temptations. Some other highlights for the evening include Blaire Alise & the Bombshells as The Detroit Cobras, 500 Club as The Suicide Machines, The HandGrenades as Phantasmagoria, and Dan Henig as Madonna. The full lineup for the night is as follows :

(MAIN STAGE) After Dark Amusement Park as The Supremes
(SIDE STAGE) Stevie Soul & OMAR ARAGONES as Rodriguez
(MAIN STAGE) Dan Henig as Madonna
(SIDE STAGE) Mod Orange as The Hard Lessons
(MAIN STAGE) The HandGrenades as Phantasmagoria
(SIDE STAGE) DON DUPRIE as Barrett Strong
(MAIN STAGE) The Jet Rodriguez as Grand Funk Railroad
(SIDE STAGE) Mike Galbraith as Aretha Franklin
(SIDE STAGE) Awesome Jarvis and the Whales as The Dirtbombs
(MAIN STAGE) The Philter as Del Shannon
(SIDE STAGE) I Love Lightning Bugs as Majesty Crush
(MAIN STAGE) 500 Club as The Suicide Machines
(SIDE STAGE) Blaire Alise & The Bombshells as The Detroit Cobras
(MAIN STAGE) SCHOOL OF ROCK as The Temptations

There will be two stages going all night, so the music won't stop! This was one of my favorite events last year and I think this year's lineup promises to be just as good. It is a fun way to come out and celebrate the Detroit music scene, a music scene unlike any other.

We wanted to give one lucky reader a chance to get into the show for FREE this Saturday. So we asked Melissa at Oh Snap! to give us one spot on the guest list to give away with a +1. She agreed, so we are giving you a chance to come out and hang out with us. All you have to do to win tickets is email your full name to with DETXDET in the subject line. We will email one lucky person back the morning of the show and their name will be on the guest list plus one when they arrive at the door. 

Tickets are only $5 for 21+ and $7 for those under 21. You can secure your place by buying tickets in advance here . Doors are at 8 p.m. and each band plays a three song set. The Magic Stick is located at 4120 Woodward Ave. in Detroit.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Two Great Ticket Giveaways from Your Favorite Ladies at Black Iris Booking and Hip In Detroit!

It has been a minute since we've given away tickets. Getting people into shows for free, especially good ones, is one of our favorite things to do too! So, since we have been lacking in the giveaway department we decided it is time to make up for it. Coincidentally, Black Iris Booking has some great shows coming up! So, we reached out to our favorite ladies and we are giving you the chance to get into two great shows this Wednesday, Nicole Atkins at the Magic Stick Lounge and Skinny Puppy at The Majestic Theatre.

Nicole Atkins is a singer songwriter from New Jersey who is sometimes compared to Roy Orbison. She just released her newest album Slow Phaser a couple of weeks ago. You can check that out here. Joining her in the Lounge this Wednesday are Arc Iris and Davey Horne. Tickets are $12 in advance and can be picked up here or it's $14 at the door. All ages are welcome and doors open at 8 p.m. To enter to win tickets to this great show, just email your first and last name to with "Nicole Atkins" in the subject line. We will be drawing one winner the morning of the show and their name will be on the guest list with a +1.

Next door at the Majestic Theatre you can check out a slightly heavier show when Skinny Puppy hits the stage. Skinny Puppy has been putting out industrial tunes for over 30 years now. They have taken some breaks here and there, but just released their newest album Weapons last year. Doors for this All Ages show at the Majestic Theatre open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance here for $26.50 or you can pay $30 the day of. We are also giving away a pair of tickets to this legendary show though! To enter to win this one, just email us your name with "Skinny Puppy" in the subject. The winner of this contest will also be announced on Wednesday morning.

Thanks as always to our friends at Black Iris Booking for letting us hook you up with tickets to these shows! Make sure to "like" them on Facebook to keep an eye on all of the great shows that they have coming to town. And good luck to everyone entering these giveaways! 


Chattin' with James Dewees of Reggie and the Full Effect!

This past Thursday night Reggie and the Full Effect hit the stage at The Pike Room in Pontiac. This tour is in support of the newest album, No Country for Old Musicians, that was released at the end of last year. The band has been on the road since January with dates spanning from Philly to L.A. and then back to Philly again. Although the tour is winding down, if you are reading this and there is a date in your city still, make sure you pick up tickets and head out! Or if you are from Detroit and missed this show, go on a road trip! Tons of fun with a set list full of both new and old favorites.

Before Reggie hit the stage in Pontiac, Sadie was lucky enough to sit down and chat with James Dewees, the man behind Reggie and the Full Effect and an amazing musician that has also been part of projects like The Get Up Kids and Coalesce, amongst others. We'd like to take a second to thank James for taking the time to talk to us and for being such an awesome, nice dude. Take a few minutes to check out this interview full of fun facts about Reggie and the Full Effect, stories from the road, and info on the new album. You might even find out what "Boots to the Moon" means.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Gettin' The Low Down on One of Our Favorites - Detroit Underdog

Many of you that frequent Ferndale may be aware of a tasty treat you can pick up behind the WAB a few nights a week. Detroit Underdog sets up base in the parking lot behind the WAB Thursday thru Saturday from midnight 'til 3 a.m. They are there to serve up some of the best hot dogs around before you head home for the night. But, these aren't your normal hot dogs.
Although there is a hot dog buried in there somewhere, these dogs are topped with a whole plethora of toppings. Some of them include Mac 'N Cheese (Mac-Daddy Dog), Pulled Pork and Coleslaw (Detroit Underdog), or even Cool Ranch Doritos (Stoner Special). I'm normally not huge on hot dogs, but it's hard to pass up a stop by the stand when I'm heading out of the bar.

Carrie Laux and Vic Reyes from Detroit Underdog have been out there all winter long manning their stand through these harsh temperatures just to bring people their hot dogs. Not only have they had their stand behind the WAB, but they also have been stepping inside New Way Bar just down the street. On Tuesdays, they have been serving your favorites from the Detroit Underdog stand inside the bar for lunch and dinner. So now you can pick up your favorite dog, along with some Faygo and Better Made chips in the middle of the day too, instead of just in the middle of the night.

Pretty much any time I am down in Ferndale I have to stop by Detroit Underdog after a night of partying. Since most of my friends do the same, I just thought this great food stand was public knowledge. After finding out that a friend of mine was in the dark about Underdog, I realized that there are a whole lot of people that are missing out on this this wonderful deliciousness. So, we decided to catch up with Carrie from Detroit Underdog to find out more about their business and hear some fun stories too!

HID- What made you guys want to open a Hot Dog stand?
Detroit Underdog- "Our friends actually owned it for a season. We had worked it for them a few times. One day they called us up & said they had to sell the business & they really wanted US to be the new owners because they knew that we could make it successful & take care of it. We talked to our families & decided to take a huge leap of faith & buy it!"

HID- How do you come up with all of the crazy combinations?
Detroit Underdog- "We get inspiration from EVERY WHERE! Sometimes we will just find some really nice produce or cool local product & say "what can we do with this?". We also watch a lot of cooking/food shows. Recently, we were watching a show about tacos & BAM! the al pastor dog was on the specials board! Customers give us ideas too. The Seattle Dog was born out of a suggestion from our pal, Sean Whaley. He mentioned that they put cream cheese on their dogs in Seattle. Hesitant, we thought we'd kick it up a notch & whip the cream cheese with garlic & herbs & add some scallions. At first it was just on the special board but it became so popular that it has made it's way onto the main menu."

HID- What is your most popular item on the menu?
Detroit Underdog- "The Detroit Underdog, our signature dog, is topped with pulled pork & BBQ sauce & sells out nearly every night. We roast A LOT of butts :)
The Mac Daddy is also a huge fan favorite. We made it once for a special & it's became a staple. We've had people actually leave if we don't have it."

HID- Since your hours are mainly late night, we're sure you get a lot of "fun" customers. What's the craziest thing that has happened at Detroit Underdog?
Detroit Underdog- "Now this is a hilarious story! We did kind of a soft opening before we actually started operating regularly. It was St. Patrick's Day of 2012. I (Carrie) was cooking away while Vic had quite a line. All of a sudden a man runs up & starts putting his personal belongings wallet, phone, etc) on the grill! I take them saying, "honey, the grill is hot" & bent down to put them on the cooler when I notice the man has NO PANTS ON!!! His friend is in tow with his pants & the two of them struggle to get the pants on all the while Mr. Underwear is screaming "I want a hot dog" repeatedly. His friend looks at me stating he only had $2. I gladly took it & sent the duo on their way."

HID- What's the best part about having this stand?
Detroit Underdog- "We have both been in the restaurant biz since we were teenagers. We just love feeding people! When customers tell us they dream about our food or that've driven from Novi just to get a dog, it gives us a huge sense of pride & happiness. FOOD = LOVE!!!"

HID- I think we saw something on your Facebook about a food truck a while back. Is that something you guys are still looking in to? Any plan to expand in the future?
Detroit Underdog- "We would LOVE to have a truck; that is our dream! It would allow us to expand as far as being more mobile, but the funds just aren't there right now. We will continue to work for it, though."

HID- Speaking of expansion, this is sort of along the same lines. You guys have been serving food up at New Way Bar lately. Tell us a little about that. Can customers get the full menu and same favorites there?
Detroit Underdog- "The New Way has generously allowed us to do a pop up every Tuesday, which is especially helpful to us in this frigid winter we've been having. Originally it was just going to be lunch hour but we found people wanted to come after work so we started staying open til about 7pm. We do an indoor service with our full hot dog menu plus a $5 plate with two pulled pork sliders, Mac n cheese & coleslaw. You can't beat a plate of home cooked goodness for $5!"

HID- How many hot dogs do you end up eating in a week?
Detroit Underdog- "Haha!!! We TRY not to eat too many & a lot of times just share one (lessens the guilt :) )"

HID- Which is your favorite?
Detroit Underdog- "Vic really likes the Seattle but usually has it with a polish sausage instead of a dog. I'm a fan of the Mac daddy with bacon but my all time favorite is the black n blue that we rotate out on the special. (It has bacon, bleu cheese & blackened spice!)"

HID- Anything else that you would like our readers to know?
Detroit Underdog- "We really love what we do! We really appreciate all of the support from our customers & the businesses that host us. We would not be here without them!"

So next time you are out on the town, swing by the parking lot behind the WAB, The Loving Touch and Sneakers to pick up a snack before you head home. We're sure you will not be disappointed. You'll actually probably dream about hot dogs the rest of the night. Make sure to head over and "Like" Detroit Underdog on Facebook too so you can keep up to date on when the stand will be set up for shop!


Olivia Millerschin says "Screw Valentine's Day"

Photo Credit: JLB Photography
I have never been one to celebrate Valentine's Day. There is no reason to have a holiday that excludes so many people and makes them feel bad for being single, being single is one of the best things to be. I usually boycott the whole event or go out with my girlfriends. My poor boyfriend is either lucky or unlucky for my lack of interest in the holiday, it depends on how you look at it.

This year to celebrate Valentine's Day we have a cool video from a local artist named Olivia Millerschin, a Rochester Hills native whose new song will be featured at Kohl’s stores nationwide this February. She made a video for the song “Screw Valentine’s Day”and in the video you can see shots of places around Rochester including The Village. We thought it was a cute song and it was a pretty big deal that a Rochester native would be featured nationwide for the month. 

We had a chance to ask her a few questions about herself and what's next for this singer songwriter. Check out what she has to say and watch her new video today, Screw Valentine's Day indeed.

HID- What inspired you to write this song?
Olivia- "I honestly love Valentine’s Day! I think it’s a cheesy and fun holiday but I had seen a ton of bitter, single people so I thought: why not write a song from that perspective?"

HID- Whats the worst/ best thing that has happened to you on Valentine's Day?
Olivia- "I would say the best thing to ever happen to me on Valentine’s Day was getting a giant box of Godiva chocolates. I mean it’s a day centered around love and fattening foods so I just don’t get how it could go wrong!"

HID- How did you partner up with Kohl's and get them to release your song? That seems like a huge deal for a little lady from Rochester!
Olivia- "I have a licensing contract with a company in New York who sent my song out to them and I guess they liked it! haha. Never underestimate us little ladies from Rochester!"

HID- Tell us about shooting your music video, I see that a lot of the shots were taken at The Village, why did you decide to shoot it there? How long did it take? We want details!
Olivia- "I sat down with Dit, the director, and we just wanted to make a funny and quick video to match the upbeat song. The Village is such a beautiful location so we figured it would be perfect a proposal scene!"

HID- How old were you when you started writing your own music?
Olivia- "I started writing my own music when I was about 11. I don’t exactly remember the quality or content of those songs so I’m going to hope that they don’t resurface someday!"

HID- What instruments do you play?
Olivia- "I play guitar, ukulele, piano, and have been working at banjo and mandolin for a little while. I can also play a mean triangle. But I only bring that one out at parties."

HID- If people like what they hear, where can they find more music from you?
Olivia- "If you like what you hear: You can check me out on the internetty thingy! My Facebook fanpage is Olivia Millerschin and my website is All my music is on iTunes, Spotify, and Amazon!

HID- Do you ever play live?
Olivia- "Playing live shows are my favorite thing to do. I love meeting people and exploring the venues! I’ve been on three national tours, opening for artists such as Teddy Geiger, Howie Day, Ryan Cabrera, and Tyler Hilton. We’re planning a ton of tours for the summer!"

HID- Anything else you would like our readers to know about you?
Olivia- "I’m going to be releasing my new Album “Over The Weather.” this spring and I’m launching a Pledge Music campaign for that this month so keep a look out for that! Thank you so much!"

Shes talented and adorable, we see big things for this little local Rochester lady!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Get Ready for Metro Times Blowout 17!!!

Last week we received a press release announcing that this years Metro Times Blowout would be even bigger and even better than in past years.You may recall that last year they switched it up by having the event in two different cities over two different weekends.

This year they have yet another twist. The Blowout will be a four day event that will kick off at The Magic Stick and take place in three different cities at the same time. Various bars in Ferndale, Hamtramck, and Detroit will play host to all sorts of music and for one low price patrons will get a bracelet and be able to roam freely from bar to bar and city to city. Some of the bars hosting events this year include The Old Miami, Union Street, Northern Lights Lounge, Paycheck’s, Small's, New Dodge Lounge, Painted Lady, Whiskey in the Jar, Kelly’s, Celina’s Sports Bar, The Loving Touch, WAB, Rust Belt Market, Como’s, New Way Bar, Found Sound, and the Ferndale Public Library. They have not announced the lineup yet and are still taking submissions through February 28th. If you would like to play, make sure to turn in your applications as soon as possible. Click here to fill out an application and be considered

They also announced that they will be having a party this Friday at New Dodge Lounge in Hamtramck to celebrate the announcement of the Blowout. This event will feature performances by Cold Men Young, Illy Mack, After Dark Amusement Park, and Sleepless Inn. 21+ are welcome and it's $5 a person or $8 a couple, for all of you Valentine's Day lovers out there. Come out and celebrate another year of music in Detroit, the best city on earth in our opinion!


The Erers, The Loveseats and My Pal Val-entine's Show & A V-Day Gift from My Pal Val too!

If you're in the mood for love a day early, you can head out to The Loving Touch tonight for a "Lovey Dovey Valentines Show". The show is being headlined by The Erers who are playing alongside their friends in The Loveseats and My Pal Val.

My Pal Val just released their first music video this week for their track "Flashlight". The video was shot at Groovebox Studios and was directed by My Pal Val's lead vocalist, Elise McCoy. The song is currently available as a free download through the band's website along with another track called "Graveyards". You can pick both of those up here. Check out the new video from the three piece below.

If you want to spend your Valentine's Eve with My Pal Val, The Erers and The Loveseats, head to The Loving Touch by 9 o'clock tonight to make sure you catch the first band. Entry is free too! So if you're cheap, this is a great date night for you and your boo. For more details on this fun show, check out the Facebook event here.
