When I was a teenager The Wired Frog on Gratiot was the place to go out to see live music. I was too young to get into a lot of the local bars that played music, but old enough to get a crappy coffee and watch the bands at The Wired Frog. Some of the most iconic shows if my life happened within those walls. Fordirelifesake, Boys Night Out, and Nipon were three of my favorite bands to see at that time. Nipon packed the place every time they played and everyone had a good time. They were the only band that brought a steal drum on stage, and it got all of us moving.
I have been following Terry Peake's music career ever since those Wired Frog days. When Nippon ended, Bahamut started. Bahamut is one of the fastest, heaviest, and most intense bands around. It was a total switch from the Nipon days and I loved it. Years later Bahamut would launch Fireloom, a side project that Terry created during the year that he was a Kresge Fellow.
Terry is a great musician who has spent the last ten years creating music and teaching others how to play it. He has been a music teacher at Axis Music for years, he has influenced another generation of kids to get out there and play music. But, all good things must come to an end, and this Saturday Terry will be playing one more live show with Fireloom before he moves across the country to pursue a new dream.
I had a chance to ask Terry a few questions about his music, his move, and his plans for the future. It brings me great sadness to see Terry move, in the words of Boys 2 Men, "it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday". Check out what Terry had to say and come out this Saturday for one more bash. Let's hope that the steal drum makes an appearance!
HID- Why have you decided to leave Michigan?
Terry Peake- "I have been wanting to move out west for quite some time now. Every time I’m in the mountains, I feel like I belong there. For right now, Las Vegas is the perfect spot, because my mom lives there and I want to be closer to her again. It will also be in a good place to expand my network and just spread what I do to the west coast. I’ll be able to make it to L. A. in four hours or so by car. I’m also looking forward to many ski trips this season in Utah and California etc."
HID- Does this mean its the end of Bahamut and Fireloom?
Terry Peake- "It is not the end of Fireloom and Bahamut. I have plans for future releases with each band and live shows are on a TBA status for right now. I do plan on visiting Michigan twice a year so there will at least be opportunity during those times."
HID- Reflecting back on winning the Kresge two years ago, what was the best part?
Terry Peake- "The best part was the freedom and the chance to focus on my craft. I really developed my skills to a whole new level during that year. I wish I could live it over and over again."
HID- What will you miss most about MI? What will you miss the least?
Terry Peake- "I will miss the amazing people! I have such a great group of friends and acquaintances here. I can walk a block and be in downtown Ferndale and certainly run into someone every time. I’ve been part of the music scene here for 18 years and have connections that run so deep; people I’ve known since the 90’s. And on top of that a great group of really close friends, which is the hardest part about leaving. Detroit builds some great characters.
What I will miss the least? All of the things that I dislike about living here are not to blame on Michigan. I’m just really not interested in the Midwest right now. For a while (aside from the fellowship) I’ve felt like I’m really spinning my wheels here. I just really want to pursue new opportunities and adventures with a change of scenery."
HID- Do you ever see yourself moving back?
Terry Peake- "It’s possible, but I will probably live several different places before I ever do. If I did it would probably be for family reasons or something similar. Ideally, I’d have a home here and another somewhere out west."
HID- How has music changed your life? Good or bad?
Terry Peake- "It has changed my life quite a bit, and this goes back to the network of people that I’m connected to. Not to mention that engaging in music composition, performance, etc. is actually now scientifically proven to use more of your brain at once than absolutely anything else. The states of mind that I’ve achieved and the “places I’ve gone” with music are beyond words. It has been a struggle, but it’s what gives my life meaning. There is no question that it’s what I was meant to do."
HID- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Terry Peake- "I’m not sure, it could be so many places! I’d really love to end up somewhere beautiful like Little Cottonwood Utah, Telluride Colorado, or Lake Tahoe or something, especially now that writing for TV and film can all be done through email. I also hope that Robot Academy Music will be fully developed and well known for music production and education by then. I would also love to expand my creative efforts into photography and video, which I will be doing soon after I move."
Fireloom will perform this Saturday, November 22nd at The Loving Touch in Ferndale. It's FREE to get in and Fireloom will have copies of their album available for purchase. They will be playing alongside Blue Black Hours and Lava Moth. Blue Black Hours is releasing a lot of new music on their bandcamp this week leading up to the show. Head over and hear what they are up to before the show!

Please record this show. I wish I could attend.