Thursday, April 14, 2016

Have You Heard about DUO yet?

DUO, a.k.a. Detroit Underground Omakase is the newest dining experience to hit Detroit. The concept of putting your meal in the control of the chef is embraced in a whole new way. Their dinners are very limited, their location is not given out to the public, and there is an air of mystery surrounding the newest pop-up style experience to come to Detroit. A world renown chef takes over an unmarked kitchen in Detroit and prepares a one of a kind meal for a small room of people. Some of his dinners have themes, including a Salvador Dali meal prepared from one of 400 existing cookbooks written by the artist, other dinners are just based on culinary experiences that the chef wants to take you on.
We had a chance to meet up with the two men behind DUO and we asked them a little more about this mysterious pop up that is selling out every month. Check out what they had to say and do yourself a favor and get a ticket for the next dinner. Somehow they only charge $40 for a seat at their table.

DUO is bringing back the art of dining, check out this short video that was made at one of their recent dinners and you'll be drooling for a taste!

Video Courtesy of


1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for featuring my video under yours. Much appreciated.
    Ryan (
