When GLRS originally opened in 1995 they were called PigHoppers and they welcomed all sorts of animals to live out their days in happiness, but by 2003 they realized they needed to focus all their love and attention on bunny rescue (and a few pigs). While some shelter rabbits come from feed stores, flea markets, or laboratories, the reality is that most rabbits facing euthanasia were once family pets or classroom animals. They are also purchased as a novelty during Easter and surrendered to shelters when the novelty wears off.
Many people do not realize that "rabbits are as intelligent and sensitive as cats and dogs. They bond for life with their human guardians and rabbit friends and they grieve deeply when they lose this bond. Rabbits can learn their names, like to play with toys, and use a litter box, just like a cat. They are not meant to live confined in cages and require at least 4-5 hours of attention and safe, indoor exercise each day."
GLRS gives bunnies a place to stay while they are in-between homes. They feed, shelter, and give medical treatment to all the bunnies that are surrendered into their care while looking for a good home that can take them in permanently. So, the question is- Have you ever considered adopting a bunny? Have you been looking for a place to donate some time? Do you want to take a tour of a bunny shelter while supporting their mission? If you answered yes to any of these questions you need to get involved with Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary.

You can visit their website to find a new friend to adopt
here, you can learn more about volunteering with them
here, and you can sign up for a tour of the facility
We loved feeding, petting, and learning about the bunnies on our recent tour of the property, so we know that you will have a great time when you visit. Bring lettuce and parsley and you're bound to make a few friends.
You can also support GLRS's work by making a donation here and you can buy something off the bunnies Amazon wish list here.
Don't forget to follow GLRS on Facebook and Instagram for cute bunny content and updates on their work!